1. Blade Components
  2. Alert


Display text that requires attention or provides additional information.


<x-alert>This alert details some information.</x-alert>

Component API

Attribute Default Description
title null string || null
Optional title for added clarity.
style default string
Possible values default, success, info, warning or danger.
icon null string
Optional component alias of the icon.


For added clarity a title can be added to the alert by supplying the title="" attribute.

<x-alert title="Important">
    This alert details some information.


Control the alert style by supplying the style="" attribute.

<div class="space-y-2">
    <x-alert style="default">
        This alert details some information.
    <x-alert style="success">
        This alert details a success.
    <x-alert style="info">
        This alert details some information.
    <x-alert style="warning">
        This alert details a warning.
    <x-alert style="danger">
        This alert details an error.


You can control the icon per alert instance by supplying the icon="" attribute. Any blade-ui-kit/blade-icons compatible icon set can be used.

<x-alert style="warning" icon="heroicon-o-bolt">
    This alert details some information.

Customizing the default icons

The alert component uses the blade-ui-kit/blade-heroicons icon set by default.

Style Default Icon
default heroicon-o-information-circle
success heroicon-o-check-circle
info heroicon-o-information-circle
warning heroicon-o-exclamation-circle
danger heroicon-o-x-circle

You can customize the default icons globally by calling either the setDefaultIcons() or setDefaultIconForStyle() method from a service provider's boot() method, or middleware.

The setDefaultIcons() method takes an array of icon definitions.


use DistortedFusion\BladeComponents\Components\Alert\Index as Alert;

    'default' => 'heroicon-o-information-circle',
    'success' => 'heroicon-o-check-circle',
    'info'    => 'heroicon-o-information-circle',
    'warning' => 'heroicon-o-exclamation-circle',
    'danger'  => 'heroicon-o-x-circle',

The setDefaultIconForStyle() method sets the icon for a specific style.


use DistortedFusion\BladeComponents\Components\Alert\Index as Alert;

    style: 'default',
    icon: 'heroicon-o-information-circle'